
Monday, July 4, 2011

Declare Your Independence

July 4 is Independence Day in the US. In 1776, the Colonies had enough of being under British sovereignty and here we are, the USA with an interest in British Royal happenings.

What are you declaring independence from? Taking advantage of the series of eclipses we've had, it's a great time to start or end behaviors and habits, relationships.

So I say it's time to declare independence from toxic friendships. Declare independence from from abusive, draining, unhealthy relationships. Declare independence from codependence. Declare independence from negative, crippling ruminations. Declare independence from fear. Declare your freedom from gluttony and emotional eating. Declare independence from apathy. Declare financial independence. You have the freedom to live your own life--free from seeking approval or permission from others. Freedom from unnecessary and dangerous decisions.

Give yourself the freedom to smile

freedom to dance 

freedom to cry
freedom to wear your hair the way you want

freedom to love who you want

freedom to tell others to kiss your ass

freedom to enjoy it when they do

freedom to be naked

freedom to wear fur or leather

freedom to embrace your quirks

freedom to dig classic rock

freedom to eat meat

freedom to pursue your passions

freedom to declare allegiance to what makes you happy.

*   *  *


  1. I love this! I really liked how you spaced the sentences towards the end. I have to work on some of these.

  2. Great! I know you'll "be free" with work. And thanks for the style comment--from one writer to another--I appreciate it~
