
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Subjectified: Nine Young Women Talk about Sex -- Giveaway

Subjectified: Nine Young Women Talk about Sex Trailer May 2012 from Melissa Tapper Goldman on Vimeo.

Women have sex. But, why? How? Why do they choose the partners they choose?

Subjectified is a documentary that asks the question that is often answered by everyone else but the women in question. Women are often sexually objectified for men or by their standards. As a result other women develop their own views on the sex and sexuality of their sisters. Real expressions of female sexuality are few and far between -- now here's Subjectified.

"While our culture is saturated with images of female sexuality, the real voices of women themselves are frequently missing.  Through in-depth interviews, Subjectified lets women do the talking, trading easy answers and stereotypes for brutal honesty.  The stories may sound familiar: young moms, abstinent Christians, lesbians, survivors of assaults and STD’s.  But outside the world of reality TV and sound bites, women approach their lives in complex and unexpected ways: sometimes hilarious, sometimes sobering, and always heartfelt.  Subjectified will change the way you think about female sexuality. "

Filmmaker Melissa Tapper Goldman invites you to open your heart to nine women who answer the question: Why do girls have sex? Goldman traveled across the US to get first-person narratives from women about their sex lives. Like the filmmaker, we each have our own answers, assumptions to that question formed by media "but the stereotypes that we all rely on to make sense of the world are the same ideas that encourage us to reduce other people to two-dimensions"; Goldman's goal with Subjectified is to replace those stereotypes.

Subjectified will be released in September but sign up below to the Subjectified mailing list by September 15 for your chance to win a free copy of the Subjectified DVD! Home party kits will also be available in September; allow the candor of the women featured in Subjectified to encourage your own dialogue. Without a doubt, there will be much to discuss.

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