
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Exhaust Pipes: A Mini Collection of Erotic Fiction

I wrote another book. Exhaust Pipes. The idea came to me late last month that a mini ebook released in time for Valentine's Day would be a great product for new and old readers of my erotic fiction. So with the support of my "market research division", I went to work.

Exhaust Pipes, is a mini collection that containing four erotic stories featuring car sex or anal sex. Originally it was going to be a mini ebook of only two stories but I decided to include two more that were "in the vault" and ready to shine. Exhaust Pipes is available on Kindle, Nook and Kobo. I'm excited to also be reaching new readers on Sony eReader and Apple iBooks with this release. You can buy the book formats for those readers on Smashwords. I'll have those direct links for you shortly.

From now until Steak & Blowjob Day, Exhaust Pipes is available for $2.28, after which it will be available for it's original retail price.

The title, Exhaust Pipes, came to me in an AHA moment in the shower before I decided to add the two additional stories. Tail Pipes would've been too easy; I like big words and the shape of your mouth when you say "exhaust".

I set a goal for myself and reached it. That is always a great feeling. I remained in the cave writing and rewriting until I was satisfied with work I could put my name on. The book cover adventure is another story in and of itself but I settled on something "thumbnail-friendly".

I'm looking forward to your thoughts and reviews of Exhaust Pipes. One comment I already received: "You my dear are a romance writer. A beyond x-rated one. But a romance writer nonetheless."
I do love love. And folks in love have sex, right?

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