
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Feeling Great About Work

I've been working a lot lately. Native Creative Concierge™ and all the things related to it have kept me busy over the past month. And I've loved it. The obvious reason would be my business is gaining traction, so why wouldn't I feel good about that? Exactly. The work is meaningful to me.

But also the process of the work -- the paperwork (which I usually procrastinate on, got done), the inquiries and referrals that I have to respond to "seal the deal" have me flexing my communication muscles, designing my business cards and having those delivered, spending a few days with a corporate client while they were in NY being able to take photos and eat where Anthony Bourdain ate are all pluses. The planning of my Boozy Treats Tour, the food events in the "event proposal stages" and the networking needed to have those events become a reality are all rolling right along.

The networking has come in the form of nights out, business-card-trading, champagne-sipping, food-tasting and art-admiring so I can't complain. Also no complaints with the beautiful people (inside and out) I've met in the process.

I've found time for non-work related great times too and that's kept me sane. The workouts continue; I'd be a mess without a great sweat and on the weekends I have a part-time job read: more income and opportunities to build my brand. This past week, thanks to Isis Phoenix, I facilitated my first workshop at her Sensual Woman's Soiree -- Her Erotic Words: Writing for the Sensual Self -- I am pleased with the results and ready to fine-tune the process for future workshops. I have a few bite marks from the photography bug all over my body so I'll have to show those off to you soon and capture the personal bites anyone else wants to show off.

All this to say that I recently received an email from TED and the featured TED Talk was about the surprising reasons we like to work presented by Dan Ariely. The email was very timely for me. Watch it and you'll certainly see yourself in it at which point, you'll get back to work.

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