
Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Darker Side of Lust 5th Anniversary Poll

Could this be the last time you see The Legs?

This year in particular I've really noticed how time flies -- Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day -- all a blur. Any one in the Northern Hemisphere remember spring? Whoa.

I saw candy corn on display last week and refused to buy any. It's too soon!

That being said, it hit me that December is right around the corner. December 2014 is not far behind that. 12/14 marks 5 years since I published my erotic short story collection, The Darker Side of Lust.

I will release a 5th Anniversary Edition but what about it will say "Fabulous Five" Years? I have a few ideas but I also need your help deciding! Please take a few seconds to vote in my poll -- one question, four choices!

It will be 2014 before we know it...

The version you've heard so much about is still available on Amazon, Kindle and direct through my website

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