
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Judgmental Map of New York


This one will surely upset and offend some people. It will make others laugh.

This latest Judgmental Map of New York by RBD Enterprises features only The Parts [of NY] That Matter.

That right there is sure to set some people off.

The glaring omissions of most of The Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens and Staten Island are the first offenses and the inclusion of part of New Jersey are the first offenses.

Some of the captions used to highlight areas are side-eye worthy and dismissive -- "More Guns", "Occassional Gunfire", "Probably won't gentrify for a while...", "Used Condoms", "Dank Food", "Central Park of the South", "Jay-Z's Hood", "Rats", "Projects".

There can be some truth to the labels but the argument is an entire neighborhood shouldn't be characterized by one of it's less than appealing features or by the people who inhabit it. Then there's the hot debate over whether this map was created by a New Yorker or a  #$*7^d! hipster transplant.

The one caption I did crack a smile at was the word Italians. It reminded me of the last Native Creative Concierge client who insisted on eating in Little Italy that I informed there wasn't really a Little Italy left in Manhattan (they should go to the part of The Bronx not pictured on the map). "How much further?" one asked as we continued south on Mulberry Street. At the end of our private excursion, I dropped them off at Spring and Mulberry. I hope they found something to their liking.

But I guess that's the point of the Judgmental Map of New York. It's meant to piss some people off for a few uncomfortable laughs.

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