
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Darker Side of Lust A-Dollar-A-Day Holiday Sale

Between now and December 31, 2015, The Darker Side of Lust will be on sale. The price has been dropped to $10 ($9.95 to be exact)!

Each day after that, the price will increase by one dollar until it is back to its original cover price - $19.95 -which will coincide with December 31!

All copies of The Darker Side of Lust purchased through my website will be sold at that day's sale price. Multiple copies of the book can be ordered. No promo code necessary. Price is also valid on International orders.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Questions on Naked Men & Arousal, Seduction and Being a Woman Artist

How did I handle the men who become aroused during Bare Men photo shoots? Has work on Bare Men changed me as an artist or a woman? When's the book coming out?

Sarah McPhee asked me those wonderful questions about Bare Men after discovering it on Refinery29. It was very refreshing to receive her email - one step up from the praise emails and comments I receive and definitely better than the negativity from those who simply don't get or appreciate nudity or nude art. This one also had different tone from the interview in WideWalls.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dude, Your Privilege is Showing

I'm going to pass on today. Juggling money and time this week. Sorry for the last min! Maybe next week when finances are better!
I sent that message to a potential date. The night before I told him I could give him an answer in the morning on whether or not we'd meet that day or later date (I was waiting to see if a direct deposit would go through).

When I say no, I mean no. I don't say, "no, not this time", or "you're really nice but, no", or even "no, thank you". In this situation I said I'd pass and when my finances were better we could meet.

I thought I was pretty clear. He even got more of an explanation than I usually give most people.

His cherry-topped response: Boo.. I think you are getting cold feet. It's happy hour, $20 would go a long way...

That's when I knew I was dealing with one of those men, a bro in gentleman's clothing up until the point they don't get what they want. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Bare Men featured on Refinery29

Those who are not new to my blog or my work know I've been working on a male nude series, Bare Men, and that it's been a bit of a challenge getting my work exhibited. Who knew penis was so scary?


I'm very excited that a major US-based media outlet has covered my series!  Please check out the latest piece on my male nude series, Bare Men, on Refinery29 -- 

12 Honest, Vulnerable (NSFW) Photos Of Naked Men

"In general, men don't need any more visibility in mainstream culture than they already have. But Bare Men strikes a different chord. Rather than exult the naked male form, Ekue normalizes and neutralizes it. These images don't attack or threaten us; rather, they put us in the position of voyeur, even intruder... After all, how often do we catch men in such a state? What changes when we see a man without his guard up, flaccid and imperfect? Stripped of everything from their clothes to their class, these subjects appear simply as men in their bodies."

The writer, Sara Coughlin did a wonderful job on the introduction, capturing the essence of the series and sharing her take on the images. As an artist, I also appreciate not being misquoted!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Abigail Ekue Photography in Atlanta and Las Vegas

shot in Piedmont Park, Atlanta GA

In December, Abigail Ekue Photography will be in Atlanta and Las Vegas!

From December 1 - 3, I am booking private portrait and nude shoots in Atlanta and Gwinnett County. All shoots done "on-location" meaning I come to you or we can meet at a location you'd like to do the shoot, indoor or outdoor.

Limited slots available for the "Show Them Who You Are", "Me, Myself & I" and "The Darker Side of Lust" packages. Book your shoot via my calendar by clicking here.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Bare Men featured at Autumnal: A Group Show

Some of you know about the uphill battle I've faced since starting my male nude series, Bare Men. But I've continued work on the series -- meeting and working with great men along the way and creating wonderful, thoughtful and provoking art.

On October 22, photographs from Bare Men will exhibited at Autumnal: a group show at The opening reception is from 7 to 9 PM.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Why Did I Start Native Creative Concierge?

Native Creative Concierge LLC - curated private excursions in New York City,
Abigail Ekue, CEO & Operator

I answered a media request from CEO Blog Nation where they were seeking stories from entrepreneurs on why they started their business. My submission wasn't published, so I'm sharing it here!


"Where should we eat tomorrow night?" "Do you know which way is Madison Avenue?" These are questions I field on a regular basis from friends and strangers alike. It was a natural progression to start Native Creative Concierge, my service where I could provide firsthand experiences as answers to those questions.

I knew I didn't want to go back to a 9-to-5 office job and I needed an income. As a New York native, I know there's more to the city than Manhattan and the publicized tourist attractions that can also be tourist traps. There's so much more to NY than Times Square! -- I've adopted that catchphrase to combat the line of thinking that if someone visits those attractions, they've visited NY.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Wines to Drink For Your Summer Wind Down

I've recently taken a lover. If it's just a summer fling, it will go down in history.

Vinho Verde.

We met in late April at an event and it was love at first tingly awakening in my mouth. I was struck by the flavor and the slightly sparkling quality of the wine. I was gifted with a bottle of the Casal Garcia that was served that evening and haven’t looked back.

What was left of the bottle of Vinho Verde I received
at the event. I snapped this photo to send to a friend,
declaring my love of the wine.

Yes, it's ill-advised to consume alcohol when temperatures top 90 degrees as they have on numerous days in New York City this summer, but heat or not, people are going to drink wine. {The} Native Creative Concierge turned to a few good men to learn which wine they choose for hot August summer days in the city, afternoons at the beach or an evening picnic or BBQ with friends.


Though far from being an ubriacona, I do admit to having quite the taste for wine this summer. I still sully myself with a Riesling, Sancerre blanc, GrĂ¼ner Veltliner or Lugano on occasion. But now I choose Vinho Verde without hesitation and have no doubts it will get me through the rest of the summer.

Turns out I'm not alone. Jack Mason, Master Sommelier and the Wine Director of Marta also pours from the same chilled bottle. "Even as temperatures outside rise, I love a good glass of wine. One of my favorite wines on a budget for a hot summer day is a partially frozen bottle of Vinho Verde from Portugal. A slightly-effervescent, acid-driven white wine combined with an hour in the freezer creates the perfect, quaffable glass that maintains a cool temperature on even the hottest of summer days."

Sunday, July 12, 2015

NYC Success Story

Photo: Vysyn Photography

Last year there was an open call for the Raising The Bar NYC Stories talk. They were looking for New Yorkers or "people in NY" who have a NYC story - anyone who's made a name for themselves, succeeded in New York City.

"If you’ve lived here you know that once you succeed in New York, you can succeed anywhere. Whether its starting your own business, performing with your favorite musician, falling in love, or simply getting to the nearby subway station just in time for the train; winning in New York is a feeling unparalleled by any other. If you’ve lived here you’ve experienced the highest peaks and the lowest pits, and we want to hear your stories."

Here's what I wrote in hopes of being able to share my story. It got me to the 2nd round - the Skype interview:

Saturday, July 11, 2015

#AbbieSnapsPhotos in NYC! (UPDATED)

We've been in the grips of a humid summer here in NY. And I don't do humidity if I don't absolutely have to. I also know there are lots of other people like me and we all should be in a great mood to create some great photos. So I've changed the date of #AbbieSnapsPhotos. It will take place on Thursday, July 16.

Remember, you can always check the hashtag on Twitter for the latest updates!


Want a freebie?

On Monday July 13, #AbbieSnapsPhotos around NYC. I'll tweet my location throughout the day using the hashtag #AbbieSnapsPhotos. Find me and get your photo taken! I will be in high-traffic areas as well as some quieter locales.

One shot deal, one press of the shutter. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Best Cities for Tour Guides -- My 2 Cents

{The} Native Creative Concierge was interviewed for an article on ValuePenguin - Best Cities for Tour Guides. Although New York isn't that high up on the list, I was able to share the reason why I started Native Creative Concierge and give a little insight into what I include on my excursions.

“...there was a need for travelers to experience more of New York City outside of the usual tourist attractions. As a native New Yorker, I am able to provide that...

Client interested in Mediterranean cuisine? End the tour with a stop at an upscale restaurant and receive personal attention from the head chef...”

Monday, July 6, 2015

The NYC Food Bucket List (or Foods New Yorkers Eat Because We Have To or Love To)

Delicious Bodega Sandwich (Instagram)

I recently read an article listing 11 foods the writer thought every New Yorker must have at least once in their life. The list included cronuts and ramen burgers.

I'll wait while you roll your eyes as hard as I did.

I decided to compile this list of the foods many New Yorkers eat because it's 3 AM and/or we've been drinking, because it's what we can afford or because they're simply delicious.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Summer Photo Deal from Abigail Ekue Photography

It's officially summer here in NYC!

What's gonna happen when Summer's Gone?

I know! You'll look back at your photos taken by Abigail Ekue Photography and relive every glorious moment.

$250 for a 2-hour portrait, lifestyle and/or branding shoot and you'll receive 10 high-res photos.

This deal is good for the summer and open to anyone in New York City, Jersey City, Hoboken and parts of Connecticut served by Metro North.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

#AskELJames, Erotica, BDSM and Twitter - My 2 Cents

What Erotica Writers Thought of The #AskELJames Twitter Q&A

On June 29, the author of Fifty Shades of Grey, EL James held a Twitter chat fresh off the heels of the release of her latest book.

Yes, she wrote another one. And revealed during the #AskELJames chat that she was working on two more books.

Two more.

Needless to say, the Twitter chat went to shit. Insults were hurled at her, sarcastic and mean tweets abound and the questions about abusive relationships and plagiarism that have been posed to her since her first book was published remained unanswered.

Rachel Kramer Bussel, author and editor, wrote an article for The Frisky in which she asked fellow erotica writers what they thought about the #AskELJames Twitter Q&A. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Independent Bookstores Where You Can Buy The Darker Side of Lust - 5th Anniversary Edition

Since publishing the 2nd edition of my book, The Darker Side of Lust - 5th Anniversary Edition, I've been working on a series of events to promote the book. I've also been a little anal about tweaking my stories. I've been talked off the ledge a few times by friends who've done everything short of ripping the pen outta my hands.

This time around, I didn't want to have one launch event. That felt too "one and done" for me. With a series of events centered around The Darker Side of Lust, I'm able to reach different people and include things that I like including music, live art, food, and of course, reading, writing and erotica.

I've also been working on getting my book on the shelves at various independent bookstores. The first edition was available at 2 bookstores - including Shakespeare and Company in Paris! - and SHAG, a sex-positive boutique in Brooklyn.

The Darker Side of Lust - 5th Anniversary Edition is currently available in four (4) independent bookstores and a major retailer.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Travel on the Water in New York City

Source: Abigail Ekue Photography

Whenever the weather warms up, I find myself drawn to the water more than during the winter. Even if I'm not getting my feet wet but just watching the waves, ducking deranged seagulls and making up stories about the people on their boats, being by the water is like setting a reset button for my energy.

The water is also a great way to get around. And I'm surprised more people don't take advantage of it. In New York, the most recognizable ferry for commuters and the one with the highest ridership is the Staten Island Ferry. With NY waterfronts in all boroughs being developed there will be a need for more transportation. In the coming years, New York Water Taxi, The East River Ferry and the rest of the ferries run by New York Waterway will see an increase in ridership.


Monday, May 11, 2015

Mary Lee - A Great White in New York

Have you heard the one about the shark in NY? Sounds like the beginning of a tall tale or urban legend about a shark in the Hudson River or the sewer or the shark that "flew" here by way of tornado. But I'm talking about Mary Lee the Shark. She was tagged a few years ago off Cape Cod and recently has been tracked off the Jersey Shore. Could it be the warmer temperatures that brought her back? Is the food source in New York waters extraordinary like the food in NYC restaurants? Believe me, I get it, I will and have traveled for food.

Monday, April 20, 2015

My First Solo Trip to Las Vegas

"You're the only person I know who goes to Vegas with plans to do all this other stuff besides the casinos," said my brother as I rattled on about what I was gonna do once I got to Las Vegas.

Don't get me wrong; give me a chunk of money and a hot streak and I'll gamble the night away and roll around naked in my winnings in the morning. I wanna be a whale; flying into McCarran International Airport on a private jet, driven to my villa and eat meals prepared by a personal chef.

But I can't resist the call of the other side. What's down that block? What's down that hole? What happened here 40 years ago?

So off I went to Las Vegas, camera in tow. Yes, I did The Strip and didn't care if I looked like the biggest tourist dork gazing upward most of the time and taking landmark selfies (1, 2, 3, 4). But I also had plans to walk along desert roads, experience the Las Vegas art scene, drink where the locals drink and channel my inner Danny Ocean.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Darker Side of Lust - 5th Anniversary Edition

The 5th Anniversary Edition is here! Thank you! It was fall of last year when it hit me --- December 2014 would mark 5 years since I wrote The Darker Side of Lust.

Back in 2009 and the following months and years, it was a joyful learning experience --- the formatting, and proofreading, publishing, literary events, book signings, calls and emails from new and old admirers of my work. 

I thank you all for the support. 

So then I figured why not commemorate 5 years with a new edition of that book. I posted a poll on this blog and Facebook because I needed your help in deciding which of my ideas to settle on.

The Winner:

Stories with alternate endings AND a new 5th Anniversary Cover -- it's been 5 years, go big!

Full disclosure, the "alternate endings" don't happen in all the stories. But there are completely new stories (24 stories and vignettes total), and the characters you may remember are there with more "oomph". I've also included the stories from my mini ebook, Exhaust Pipes, so if you didn't read them before, you can now!