
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Wrestlemania XXX: Roman Reigns Vs. The Undertaker

People have crowned Roman Reigns the heir apparent of the WWE. Hold on, now. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Do we enjoy seeing his spear? Yeah buddy. Does the Superman punch wow a bit more than Jon Jones? It's arguable, but that pretty face of Reigns is not ready to be the face of the WWE.

That being said, he could certainly give us a great match at Wrestlemania XXX against the Undertaker. Or is it a match against the streak? At this point they're one and the same. And out of everyone in the locker room, who is active, Reigns would be a great opponent. And let's face it, we all know that will be the real main event of Wrestlemania XXX.

Whose yard is it really -- Undertaker's or Reigns?

He'd make our sphincters quiver at the repeated near falls. One factor that made Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker at Wrestlemania XXV such a great match was that the streak was legitimately threatened. Then there's the in-ring skill and storytelling ability both men have mastered.

Roman Reigns is not on that level yet. But, I think working a match with Undertaker could be a launching pad for Reigns. I also think Undertaker would school the lad on old school in-ring psychology and wrestling. If Reigns made the mistake of being too stiff with Undertaker in the ring, I think Undertaker would squeeze the triangle choke a little bit tighter to teach Reigns a lesson. The storyline -- The Shield beat the Undertaker and we haven't seen him since. Undertaker comes back to reclaim his yard, Reigns says sorry old man, shoulda stayed gone.

And... dare I say it, if Roman Reigns were to beat the Undertaker, I think the WWE Universe would accept that. If it's done cleanly (Seth Rollins and the hilarious psycho Dean Ambrose need to stay in the back). I think whoever ends the Undertaker's streak has to be someone that Undertaker can pass the torch too. HHH? Pass. Batista or Brock Lesnar? Neither will be active in WWE for much longer. Cena is an option but they insist on keeping him tied to Orton because Orton ain't cutting it on his own. Daniel Bryan? No! No! No! He needs to be in the WWE title hunt. If the Wyatts had been around a bit longer and the Undertaker more active, I'd say Bray Wyatt could go toe-to-toe with the Undertaker.

He may not be ready for the title match at Wrestlemania XXX (there's no doubt we wanted him to win the Royal Rumble and not Batista) but he is being primed for a push as a singles competitor. The Authority must have wised up and said Reigns ain't ready reign just yet. And they probably don't have the new WWE World Heavyweight Title Belt designed for Roman Reigns anyway.

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