
Monday, November 27, 2017

SHE Rides 2018 Calendar

A friend said she was "down for a calendar" of my women biker portraits. A poll on Twitter yielded similar interest so I got to work on a layout.

This was around the same time images from the series were featured on Flavorwire. My under-the-radar personal project had made its first blip on the radar.

Now the SHE Rides calendar is here! It's a 2018, 12-month photo calendar featuring images from the 'SHE Rides' series. I wanted it to be a useful, but also fun calendar so I added the new and full moon for each month, national and religious holidays (Christian, Jewish, Islam, Hindu) and some of the quirky and weird holidays we've come to love - think National Chocolate Day, National No Bra Day, Sadie Hawkins Day, Pi Day, Left-Handers Day etc.

You can order the calendar at this link: 2018 SHE Rides Calendar

Sunday, October 22, 2017

My Views on Body Positivity

In response to a media request, I was contacted earlier this year for my thoughts on body positivity for an article in Women's Health magazine, "This Is How Women Today REALLY Feel About Getting Naked".

My direct quotes weren't used in the final article in the September 2017 issue, so I'm sharing them with you here---

The body positivity movement is all about telling women to love your body, love yourself, that any body is a bikini body, but women’s mentality hasn’t synced up to the trend. (Almost 80 percent of women say they’re not confident in a bikini—same as four years ago.) Why do you think that is?

It takes a long time to reverse thinking. The male gaze has determined what's normal and desirable for so long that it will take a long time to discredit. That can be seen in the backlash to the feminist movement - those in power are not quick to relinquish it. Also many women support the beauty ideals because of internalized sexism and misogyny. Though a woman may be body positive, unless she's surrounded by a supportive network, and not attacked by trolls and others who aren't happy with themselves it can be lonely and tough to maintain the positivity.

Read the rest here: My Views on Body Positivity

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Saturday, June 17, 2017

Bare Men Exhibit at the Erotic Heritage Museum

"Pierced", Abigail Ekue Photography, 8 x 12 in

This summer - June 1 to July 31 - Bare Men will be exhibited at the Erotic Heritage Museum in Las Vegas!

I sat on this news for almost a YEAR. I received word from the Erotic Heritage Museum curator in May 2016 that I'd be the 'Artist of the Month' at the museum -- and my work would be exhibited for 2 months!!

Monday, January 30, 2017

The Undertaker Vs. Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania 33: NOW is the time

Courtesy of

Back in 2014, I wrote about why a Wrestlemania match between The Undertaker and Roman Reigns should not have happened.

Now, we're ready. 

Courtesy of

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Best Women's Erotica of the Year Book Tour

I have a story included in the newest book in the Best Women's Erotica (BWE) series. To promote the book, authors, the editor and erotica the book tour will make four stops in the coming weeks and I will be at 3 of those events!

At these events, I'll be reading from my erotic story, "Cigarro Tarde", which is included the Best Women's Erotica of the Year, Volume 2. This will be the first public reading of this story!

What happens when a 50-year old woman meets with a cigar shop owner to plan a friend's birthday party?