
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Back On (Where's) George's Money Trail

I finally spent my "Fishbone - Where's George" dollar bill yesterday. I'd had other opportunities to -- once the item I was purchasing cost less than I anticipated and once I just couldn't part with "Fishbone George" so I handed over a different legal tender.

To purchase a brownie and petit four at Betty Bakery, I released "Fishbone George". Minutes later, along Atlantic Avenue I stopped to buy some Shea Butter. I was going to buy just one tub of it, but the second proprietor of the shop told me "3 for 10." Had I not bought the 2 extra tubs of Shea butter, I wouldn't have gotten the second bill. One of the bills I got as my change had ink on it that caught my eye -- IN GOD WE TRUST -- circled in red. For a split second I thought it was a Where's George?® bill. It wasn't until I got home and was organizing my change that I noticed I did indeed receive another bill.

There's meaning to this. It's a sign. But what?

"To follow the $ somehow", TastyKeish text me.

"Hell ya. That I can do."

Side Note:  When I first showed TK the Fishbone bill she informed me that she interviewed a member of Fishbone at SXSW last year. The day I tracked Fishbone George, I got that message about the virus study and also learned the Fishbone on the bill was a reference to the same band.


So now I track this bill... it's been in Minnesota, Delaware and now New York. Where to next?

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