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Castro, jewelry designer, creator of dreams |
He scored points simply for being at my favorite restaurant, 2 years ago. Once I struck up conversation, I noticed the bear claw around his neck; he told me about his jewelry, I told him about my "dirty" writing, we discussed race. Since then there were run-ins in SoHo and the LES when he wasn't in Europe or Asia racking up buyers or in Paris (le sigh) for Fashion Week. A few blocks away from the Art For Change Gallery, we met at his studio for this interview.
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My name is Castro, like Fidel Castro, like Cuba.
I’m a creator, a creator of dreams. At this point in my dreams I’m
creating jewelry, leather accessories—whatever comes to my mind. Before that, I
did clothing, women’s clothing.
How long have you
been doing the jewelry creation?
It started when I came here to New
York in 2006. I was working for somebody on the
street to make money to do the clothing and stuff and it didn’t go so
well. A friend of mine said, “Why don’t you try doing your own collection?” I
said, “Aight fuck it, I’mma do it” and that’s what I did. Some people thought I
was crazy ‘cause I was putting diamonds in brass and they were like, “You’re not
gonna make it”… fuck you, I’ll do what I
wanna do. I’ve always been doing what I wanna but getting in
trouble for it so I figure I’d do something that’s good and do what I wanna do.
How would you
categorize your jewelry?
Good question. I’mma answer that question point blank—Gotharelic.
Yeah. Gotharelic is like a swag. It embodies goth, punk and
rock. So either you can rock one, two or all three. It’s a lifestyle; how you
carry yourself and also it’s not in the normal sense of what people call goth
and punk, more like the original goth, original punk, you know, punk in the
60’s, not the new shit.
Not the neo punk.
No, no, that stuff’s bootleg.
What’s your company
Castro. And there's Castro NYC—that’s the big one. And then you got a couple
other companies under that. We got a new bridge line, that one’s called… Castro’s
Black. You like that, don’t you? [laughs] Castro’s Black. What does that
mean? Is he racist? Is that like BET? I’m gonna leave it open…
Do you wanna stay
within your niche or any desire to go mainstream?
I don’t care about mainstream. We don’t care about
mainstream. If mainstream comes to us and they like us and they want us and
then they buy it, then that’s fine. But let’s say someone that’s really
mainstream and commercial wanna borrow something, I usually say no, ‘cause
if I don’t think you hot then I don’t care. For me, working with
somebody like Björk, that’s like dream come true or you
know, even Lenny [Kravitz], you know, they cool but there’s some other
people, I ain’t gonna say they names, they kinda wack.
Wack to work with…
Nah, you know having the whole image. You guilty by
association. If you walking with a lame, you gonna be considered a lame. You
hang with clowns and everyone’s like, “Look, Mom, it’s a clown.” So our whole
schtick is making sure everything we do is as unique as possible and then after
that it’s how we can make it so the
group that we’re trying to reach out to will buy it. From that point on, if other people choose to buy it, that’s
So it’s not a goal to
be mainstream…
No, no… but like I said we’re trying to build bridges… Trying
to stay as unique as possible. At one point, I’d say a couple of seasons ago, [I]
tried to do something, I guess you’d call it commercial,
it wasn’t received well and my heart wasn’t it in. That's the thing, my heart
wasn’t in it and when I let it go it didn’t feel like my baby, you know? And I
have to live with that. Every time I look on the internet and see it I’m like,
“oh man, damn”, I’m hiding my face, folks asking, “Is that you?” There’s
nothing I can do about it now; it’s a learning experience and it won’t happen
What’s a typical day
like for you?
I wake up, I sit there, I try to figure out if I’m dreaming
still or am I awake; I’m going through an Inception experience, always. Eat oatmeal, use the bathroom…
A typical work day…
That is part of my work day ‘cause once the oatmeal says
“release!”, I’m out the gate. When our collaborators come in—we have a good
team of girls—we go through the first meeting of the day which is we get the
thoughts together of what we wanna accomplish. I try to surround myself with
people who are better than me, always, ‘cause I feel if I’m not good at paperwork,
why am I doing paperwork? My thing is more creating than designing so once we
have the meeting we get to see what angles we have to come at today, this week,
who’s doing what and then that frees my mind so I’m not sitting there thinking,
“Oh God, I forgot about that” “Did I do that?” I go through that a lot; I’m
kinda absentminded, I think it’s the age, Alzheimer’s or something—it’s either
that or Amsterdam has caught
up with me finally.
I say that designing or creating is really between 10
to maybe 30 percent maximum of the day for me. The rest of the day
we’re thinking about what are we gonna do for New York, how are we gonna do
Fashion Week, can we find a showroom, what’s up with Twitter, what’s up with
Facebook, who’s doing this, am I doing this, call the tax guy—so it’s more business than designing, the more the company gets bigger. Before we
just designed and when it was time to do something, nothing could get done ‘cause
we just designed.
Oh ok, so you had to
bring in people to handle the logistics?
I don’t have to do
anything, it’s a choice, to free my mind. But also I wanna bring people in to
teach them because I have something to offer. I believe if you have something
to offer, offer it. Throughout this business, there’s always been someone
helping me, always someone to say, “You know what? Dude around the corner can
hook you up with this.” “This person can hook you up with this”. The doors are
closed for Black folks in the jewelry business; in the diamond district,
there’s one damn Black jewelry store, Ozuro Fine Jewelry on 5th
and 47th, so go see him. Anyway, there’s not a lot of information
sharing, everybody’s hiding everything. It’s just senseless. You’re being
greedy and there’s no need to be greedy, feed the needy.
How do you maintain a
balance between your personal and client work?
Well the personal stuff is kinda new. Before we only cared
about wholesale ‘cause that’s all we knew at the time. We’re more concerned
with the retail customer now.We’re doing our best to focus on the retail
customer ‘cause that’s what’s popping.
What is your favorite
word, in any language, and why?
‘Cause it’s cool, I’m cool… I’m the shit.
Ah, so that’s why
it’s your favorite word.
Damn right. But it’s more than that, ‘cause Castro is tradition, quality, it’s coolness, it’s goth, it’s punk, it’s rock – it’s all
wrapped up in one word. Like even though we have gotharelic, above gotharelic
is Castro. But I like gotharelic too, though. Gotharelic is hot. Castro is cool
but that’s a name… I’m gonna have to go with gotharelic.
So that’s your favorite word…
Damn right, ‘cause we made it. We invented that shit. We
coined it.
What is sexy about
jewelry and adornment to you? Does the person make the jewelry sexy or does the
jewelry make the person sexy?
The person makes the jewelry sexy. I mean you put
some stuff on some people and it looks like junk. It’s like when you’re on
5th Avenue where it’s dripping money and you got Black Cosby folks
walking around with dogs, you see people up there and the
old lady jumps outta the taxi with the fur coat on and shit, you just assume that what they have on is real
because of the air about them—it’s amazing what she got on—but it could be
costume, it could be fake but because of who she is and how she carries herself
you assume that that’s what it is and you put that label on it. But it’s the
person. It’s always the person. I can have some of my jewelry on the table,
people look at it but then some of it’s on my neck and they go, “Wow, what’s
that piece you got?” and it’s the same piece, but on me. So yeah, I guess
jewelry can be sexy, per se, you know the lines and so forth but still it's the
What part of the body
speaks to you - head, shoulders, knees or toes?
Head. I’d be more attracted to the head than the shoulders
or the knees, personally. Everybody judges by
first impressions. People say beauty is inside—that’s some bullshit. That takes
time. Sometimes you aint got time for that shit. Sometimes it’s up to that
first evaluation -- yea or nay? So I think with the jewelry, with the clothing,
first impression is everything. A person looks at it and immediately makes
their mind up.
Is there anything
that you’ve tried as an artist and failed?
I’ve failed at nothing as an artist. Maybe not gotten
exactly the results I wanted but there was always some success and maybe not
the success I wanted or the success I tried to get. I don’t believe in
mistakes, I believe there’s only learning lessons.
What’s your artist’s
This computer [laughs]. I get lost on the computer. It’s
that or sometimes I get feelings of melancholy, a lot. I go in the zone and I
kinda float off in a haze and then I feel bad that I didn’t do anything and
then I sink into another one ‘cause now I’m like it’s too late to work. I
procrastinate a lot.
How do you handle
I go into more depression [chuckles].
To handle burnout?
Yeah, I just go into a funk. I had a burnout recently, and I
didn’t do anything. I just moped around. But they say if you get into these
funks to go to a museum or something like that to get another inspiration, a
new spark, so I went to a museum around the corner, El Barrio, I was inspired by some things ... and the New York Museum.
So yeah, a new spark… you just have to keep sparking yourself.
You said “new spark”, where do you get your inspiration from generally?
Dreams, number one. Museums. This season it’s Black
metal, music, iconic images, a lot of tribal piercings and body
modification… mainly a lot of sources like that and the church, the church is
always there cause I was traumatized when I was younger... had to go to Catholic
school… yeah the memories are in my brain, always.
What stereotype do
you fit?
I can’t answer that question ‘cause that’s from someone
else’s perception. Another person has to see it in you, you don’t see it
yourself. If you do then you’re a snob, you’re egotistic. How can a person say ‘I’m
proud of myself’? You can’t be proud of yourself.
Yeah, you can…
No. It’s impossible. You don’t know your feats and how great
they are until someone points them out to you. Like when your parents say, “You
did great today”, or your parents say, “Look in the mirror, wow you’re beautiful”.
You don’t know you’re beautiful or you’re ugly until someone pointed it out to
you like “damn you a ugly motherfucker” and then you go look in the mirror and
then those stereotypes start to fit into your head. It comes from an outside
source. It’s foreign; it’s not a natural thing. People keep saying because
you’re wearing this, because you’re doing this, because you’re doing that and
that’s when, maybe for some people, it sticks and they start to embody it or
live it.
Do you have any other
creative outlets? Any secret talents?
Many. God’s always showed me that I have a new one. Every time
I think it’s over with He gives me something else ‘cause I did clothing and
then He gave me the jewelry. And before that He gave me something else. I
used to speed skate… I was good…
Oh! You were a speed
Yeah… I was one of the best in the country at one time. But
still, He keeps giving me new attributes and new skills. Every time I have a
situation I have to get in [to] something, I call Him and I call my Mom—I call
those two people. ‘Cause I know he’s gonna speak through my Mom; I’m not trying
to listen to his full answer, so He gives it to my Mom.
What are your
pet peeves in working with clients?
Late. If they’re late. If we agreed on a price and they try
to flip, try to come back on the price, you know, give you some story after
I’ve worked on it… That’s why I get 50 percent down, that way I don’t worry
about it… yeah, those things… I’m always late I don’t need another person to be
late [laughs].
Complete this
statement: If my muse were an animal, it would be…
It’d a bird.
Birds are most distinctive; they have the most distinctive
skull of all animals, even humans. And the birds are keen, they can find the
water source anywhere in the world. And it’s weird, it’s like they know exactly
how to fuck with you. You know when you’ve been up too late all you hear is chirp chirp chirp chirp and you’re like
“motherfucker!” Reality sets in ‘cause you try to fool yourself the whole night
and the bird chirps, “wake your ass up.” Knowing you had to go to work in 3
hours. That and besides them shitting on everything, which is kinda cool if you
could just shit when you wanted to shit and never think about it—I mean, I would. Plus they can fly. I mean, come
on, who doesn’t wanna fly? If you could just fly—I’m going to Florida,
fuck it, I’m gone. You’d be tired as hell, but you’d be there. That’d be pretty
cool; everybody wants to fly, that’s for sure.
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Very cool, I'm gonna check his site.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading! And I'm sure he'll appreciate the site visit. He reminds me of you (philosophically).